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Discover Canada's Local Restaurants

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The GuyBean Mission

We are on the mission restore the local food & beverage industry by offering time-based discounts with our restaurant partners and a marketplace for their products.

Meaning Behind The Name

GuyBean [è¡—é‚Š]: 

Inspired by the Cantonese word for “side of the street”, the founding team grew up in the bustling cities of Asia, where people frequently queued up for small overfilled restaurants or bought food from food trucks at the side of the street.

Preparing a Dish

To Food Masters:

(a.k.a. Restaurants)

Let us help you with:


  • Promoting your restaurant and products on multiple platforms to maximize dine-ins and sales.

  • Use our data analysis to figure out patterns in bookings and reviews of your products.

Dinner in Restaurant

To Foodies:

(a.k.a. Customers)

Let us help you with:


  • Discovering gems in the city that you may not have had the chance to try yet.

  • Feeding your foodie appetite with discounted dine-ins. It ain't a good meal without a good deal.

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© 2022 by GuyBean. Proudly created with

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